If you haven’t checked out the list of web resources for chronic pain survivors here on The Tramadol Diaries, I’d like to encourage you to do so now. Take a look, and tell me what I’ve left off. I know there are tons of sites out there, but I need your help identifying the best, most reliable, and current blogs and websites that pertain to chronic pain, or to any individual chronic pain condition.
Today, I updated the list with a few medical information sites pertaining to fibromyalgia and ME/CFS. I’m especially interested in hearing from patients of other illnesses who can tell me what sites have helped them in particular. So, take a look at the resources list, then drop me a line through the contact form on this site and tell me: what did I miss?
The link is dead, it seems like tramadoldiaries doesn’t exist anymore.
Frank recently posted..Natural Tramadol found in “Nauclea latifolia”. What a doll!