Check out this short (1 minute or so) public service announcement on the science behind fibromyalgia from the National Fibromyalgia Association, starring my new fibro-buddy, Sue Ingebretson!
Happily, I can report that Sue will be a featured guest here at the Diaries within the next week or so (depending on how long it takes us to actually set up the interview and me to transcribe that sucker, ’cause I just know I’m going to want to keep Sue on the line for a long, long time…).
We’ll be talking about the fibromyalgia journey, chronic pain recovery, and Sue’s fabulous new book,
which is now available at Amazon and other bookstores (affiliate link). (Also, her next movie role and who she’ll be taking to the Oscars … )
What a crack-up! I think this PSA is obvious evidence that a career in front of the camera is NOT in my future!
Oh, I don't know, Sue! I think you turned in a nuanced, touching performance of “Woman In Pain”!