Overview of Resources List
This Resources list is divided into the following categories. Click each category name to be taken directly to that portion of the list for Fibromyalgia:
General Medical Information
- American College of Rheumatology Diagnostic Criteria for Fibromyalgia
- WebMD Fibromyalgia Health Center
- Your Total Health: Fibromyalgia (from iVillage.com) — note: this appears to be sponsored heavily by Lyrica
- NEW! The Co-Cure Good Doctor List — Just found this thanks to my good friend Lex: a listing by state (and a few countries outside the US as well) of doctors recommended by other fibromyalgia patients. Some doctors on the lists are self-referred; these are noted accordingly in the respective entry. Includes contact information. Great resource!
- Amy: Living With Fibromyalgia
- Chronic Chick Talk
- Minnie: Living *Well* With Fibromyalgia
- Rochelle: Learning to Trust
- Sarakastic: The Fibromyalgia Experiment
- Sue Ingebretson: Rebuilding Wellness
- AutoImmune Mom
Websites and Forums
- About.com: Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue
- Fibro TV
- Web MD’s Fibromyalgia Exchange
- NEW: Body Pain Relief